Friday, October 12, 2007

Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Al Gore (wikipedia updated with Nobel entry) was today awared the Nobel Peace Prize for his brave work in raising awareness about global climate change. Vice-President Gore joined an elite group in winning the prize: earlier winners include Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter, Mother Theresa, Linus Pauling, Nelson Mandela, and Lech Walesa. A copendium of the statements issued today congratulating the VP:

Bill Clinton: His tireless advocacy and his Academy Award-winning film have inspired countless people around the world to join the fight against climate change. I am thrilled by this well-deserved recognition and am grateful to the Nobel Committee for awarding the Peace Prize to him and to those doing ground-breaking work at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Hillary Clinton: "There isn't anybody who deserves it more, for the work he's done for the last... 20 years or more on behalf of sounding the alarms in the world concerning global warming. "

Barack Obama: "By having the courage to challenge the skeptics in Washington and lead on the climate crisis facing our planet, Al Gore has advanced the cause of peace and richly deserves this reward."

John Edwards: "Congratulations to Al Gore. The Nobel Peace Prize rewards three decades of Vice President Gore's prescient and compelling -- and often lonely -- advocacy for the future of the Earth."

Joe Lieberman, Gore's 2000 running mate taking a rare opportunity to still sound like a Democrat: "Congratulations to Al Gore. The Nobel Peace Prize rewards three decades of Vice President Gore's prescient and compelling -- and often lonely -- advocacy for the future of the Earth."

President Bush (through spokesman): "[The President is] happy for Vice President Gore, happy for the International Panel on Climate Change scientists, who also shared the Peace Prize. Obviously it's an important recognition and we're sure the Vice President is thrilled."

Just for fun...

Rush Limbaugh had this tacky comment: "The Nobel committee rendered themselves a pure, 100 percent joke."

He is such a gracious man. Ha- anything that upsets him is wonderful news.

Congratulations to Vice-President Gore. He has shown himself to be a statesman in his crusade against climate change. He has made his nation proud.

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